jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Oral English Exam for Dec.17th-18th

study The family members !!
their names
their ages
their occupations
their Phisical characteristics (e.g. My mom has brown her and green eyes)
where do you live?(e.g. I live in Santa Ana ,El salvador ,America!

parts of the plant
 The plant needs...

Math Exam for Wednesday Dec 16th

Study the clock
study numbers from 1-20
Numbers from 10 to ten
ordinal numbers
types of lines
zig zag

Spelling Exam for Tuesday dec 15th

Study 32 words You may have to write them!!

Vocabulary Exam for Monday dec. 14

study the food pyramid
 I sleep from 8-10 hours to have a good rest.
I walk my dog to manage stress.
I take care of my teeth.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

show and tell on Monday December 7th

about our typical things! bring a picture of your favorite typical food, place and celebration and mention them!
for example ....
my favorite typical food is pupusa.

My favorite place is the Santa Ana volcano.
My favorite celebation is in August.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Show and tell on Monday November 16

About teeth

I have permanent teeth and primary teeth
I brush them 3 times at day
At the age of 12 I will have 28 permanent teeth


domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Show and tell for next Monday October 26th

It will be about the daily routines !!! Say 10 sentences describing your daily routine!http://youtu.be/1kZJAxBTMJI   and here is another video !!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUXkj6j6Ezw

Blessings!!!! Para el lunes 26 de octubre  por favor mandar la hoja de papel con las manitas laminadas y 5 pares de cintas de zapatos de diferentes colores !!!!
También mandar un par de zapatos de amarrar de preferencia que ya no usen :)

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Oral Exam on Thursday October 8th

1. What’s your name? / My name is...... 
2. How are you today?/ I am happy 
3. Are you a boy or a girl?/ I am a......
 4. How old are you? / I am.........years old 
5. Where do you live? I live in Santa Ana 
6. Where are you from?/ I am from El Salvador 
7. What’s your favorite color? / My favorite color is......... 
8. What’s your favorite sport? / My favorite sport is......... 

 Organs Brain: I use my brain to think. Skull : I use it to protect my brain. Heart: I use my heart to pump blood. Stomach: I use my stomach to digest food Lungs: I use my lungs to breath 

 Five senses Sight: I use my eyes to see. Hearing : I use my ears to hear. Smelling : I use my nose to smell. Taste: I use my tongue to taste. Touch: I use my skin to touch.

math Exam on Wednesday October 7th

Spelling exam on Tuesday Oct.6th

Voabulary exam ! on Monday October 5th

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

mechanical reading for Friday Oct.2nd

It is Tate’s birthday.
The party is ready to start.
The vase is on the table.
The cake is on the case.
The candles are on the cake.
The name tags are on the hats.
Here is a cape.
It is for Tate.

Happy birthday, Tate!

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015